Saturday, December 29, 2012

Fancy Ice Cubes

This has been the year of ice cubes! The one and only Sandy has gifted us with Gin & Titanic cubes and large square cubes. After our amazing cocktail experience at the Farmer's Cabinet I added sphere cubes into the mix as part of Mr. Lawyer's bar gift which also included fancy garnish picks, Luxardo cherries, and orange bitters. According to the boy the only "problem" with the square and sphere cubes is you end up drinking more because you finish your first drink and you still have this marvelous ice cube.
Sphere Cube! So. Much. Fun.
 We started to experiment with the orange bitters last night. I thought this gin based drink would be a good starting point because the bitters are not the focus. It was very drinkable. But because it was such a mix we didn't use the good gin or good cherries. Ha.
Abbey Cocktail
2 ounces gin
2 ounces orange juice
1-2 dashes orange bitters
cherry for garnish
1. Shake together gin and juice. Pour over ice. Add orange bitters and garnish with a cherry.

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