Friday, October 4, 2013

Comfort Foods

Hey guys. LIFE IS HARD. I'm full of wedding excitement, car drama (to the max!), daily shenanigans, and work obligations. I've been in a state of wanting to anxious puke all week. It's total survival mode time which means quick comfort food all the time.

Breakfast for dinner? Yes please. It's not my dad's waffles and bacon that he makes every time I'm home but it will do. Real maple syrup makes an appearance of course.
 Carbo-loading with Grandma's mac & cheese? Bonus points for making mac & cheese sandwiches with dinner rolls? DONE. My parents never got us Stouffer's mac & cheese but my grandparents got it for me every single time I stayed with them so it became known as Grandma's mac & cheese. I would splurge and buy it from the dining hall in college when I felt homesick.
 I can't find any Hoffman Hotdogs down here but if the dog is served up with a side of Grandma's pickles who cares?
Fun Fact #1: when I was little (especially when I was still an only child and the only grandkid so super spoiled) I use to freak out about Christmas. No one in the family could even mention Christmas the entire month of December or else it would be super excited puke city. Here's proof: I love that red doll house but I was also super excited about that doll house and Christmas morning. Puke city.
Fun Fact #2: evidently in situations of extreme stress or excitement I still react this way. At 28 I puked right before my bridal shower. See dad? Not an adult, keep me on your insurance.

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